PCSL - The Practical Competition Shooting League

Learn a little bit more about the shooting federations here and what the challenge of each sport focuses on. The rules of each sport are not a focus of this as they can change a lot for each these feds, so I'll leave a link to the latest rulebooks at the bottom of each page.

PCSL is a newer federation that's quickly gaining popularity by offering shooters a simplified division structure, intermediate caliber rifle matches, and hit factor scoring. A great aspect of PCSL is that it has a ruleset for both pistol only and 2-gun (pistol and rifle) matches. They're the biggest federation for two-gun and I hope to see it expand to more clubs in the coming years.
Here are some of my thoughts on PCSL:

PCSL uses hit factor or points per second scoring, this is your score divided by the time that it took to complete a stage. The higher the hit factor, the more points per second that you got and therefore the better you did. The competitors with the highest hit factor on a stage wins. This scoring is a great balance of speed and accuracy with speed being slightly favored.

PCSL uses a unique target with slightly different dimensions and a "K" or "Kilo" zone added. Unless the stage requires more then two hits per target, a single K-zone hit earns the full ten points. This increases the amount of decisions that a competitor will have to make about how to engage targets and adds an extra layer of challenge to planning a stage.

PCSL stages offer the same challenge that USPSA stages do, they challenge a competitor to come up with their own plan to engage all of the targets. The onus is on you to plan, memorize, and perform it in front of your peers once its your turn to shoot, and this will test your technical and mental shooting skills.

I enjoy shooting this format and make a point to compete in at least one pcsl two-gun match a month. If you get an opportunity to compete in this, I would recommend that you make an effort and try it.